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12 Feb 2014 All of this is so new to me so lost. I have a meade lxd75 mount am looking at getting the orion starshoot autoguider camera to autoguide it. Think I underst
24 May 2010 Meade LXD75 Mount and Aux port - posted in Mounts: Folks with a Meade LXD75 Mount.Does the AUX port/plug accept a guider (like a SBIG ST-402)or an autoguider (like Meade Autoguider)?
Meade LXD75 Mount and Autostar. This mount does not have an autoguider port. How can I connect this mount to an autoguider CCD camera (like Orion Starshooter or SBIG ST-40.
30 Jul 2009 LXD75-909 module-Orion StarShoot Autoguider-PHD guide - posted in LXD Series: I need to know if anyone uses this setup and some help on how to. This is what I have come up with but don't know if it is correct. #909 plugged into the aux port Autoguider plugged into the #909 and usb plugged into
4 Jul 2009 Page 1 of 2 - HOW TO: LXD75 autoguiding (w/finder as guidescope) - posted in Beginning and Intermediate Imaging: HOW TO: Make a finder guidescope If you don't already have it, install the latest version of Meade's Autostar Suite (really just for the drivers): wwwmeade.comport/index.html .
12 Jul 2014 Alas, you are highlighting the most frustrating thing (for me) about the Meade LXD55/75 mountsthe lack of a dedicated autoguider port. Over the years, I have tried all the following: 1) #909 APM (and clones) work great for focus motors and reticles, but not autoguiding the LXD55/75. I think it was designed
27 Sep 2010 When I first purchased my LXD75 mount I was told that you cannot autoguide this mount. Fortunately, through the use of the software program PHD and the ASCOM platform, it is possible to use this mount with ease. Getting it there however will require some effort. I am going to use the Meade DSI in this
I've read a number of things on the web about autoguiding the LXD75 mount with non-Meade products - because Meade seems averse to supporting ST4 commands. One product that caught my attention was Shoestring Astronomy's GPUSB interface that seems to connect from the laptop to the Aux port on
Re: LXD75 for autoguiding. Postby heraldtahiti » Sat May 17, 2008 12:53 am. Hi ! since the Meade #909 APM is no longer available would shoestring propose a clone or a GPUSB that directly plug into the AUX port ? Herald. Top